

Client: Whale & Dolphin Conservation
Sector: Charity – Conservation

Role: Lead Designer
Agency: Conran Design Group – HAVAS

Personal Responsibility: Campaign / Brandmark / Visual Identity / Copy Writing / Manifesto / Merchandise

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) was celebrating its 30th anniversary from November 2017. The anniversary was to be used as a platform to re-engage audiences with a new, hard-hitting campaign to raise funds and increase awareness. A unique brandmark and visual identity was to be created for this milestone year.

 Making history –  ‘Doing something spectacular to alter the course of history’    If things don’t change, humans will wipe out cetacean life causing catastrophic effects to the future of the planet and consigning these majestic creatures to the page

Making history – ‘Doing something spectacular to alter the course of history’

If things don’t change, humans will wipe out cetacean life causing catastrophic effects to the future of the planet and consigning these majestic creatures to the pages of history.

This notion inspired the campaign line: STOP MAKING HISTORY

A message from WDC

A message from WDC

“The 30th year celebrations give us an opportunity over the coming 12 months to use the milestone as a tool to generate awareness, reinforce our position as the whale and dolphin charity, and hopefully raise some vital funds at the same time.

A key element to all of this is the addition to our core brand identity which has been brilliantly crafted by the team at Conran. One of the themes we will use in the next year will be ‘Stop Making History’, and will centre on how critically endangered a number of species have become over recent decades.

We have to keep up our fight and good work to give them a chance of survival in the coming 30 years, and the support Conran has given us is crucial.”


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